We were always meant to GO and DO the same.

In the story of the Good Samaritan, Jesus describes a man that was beaten, robbed, and left to die. While bleeding, naked on the side of the road, this man was stepped over by a priest and a levite, who saw him in his brokenness and not only ignored him, but passed to the other side of the road. Then a Samaritan arrived and was immediately moved to action.

The scripture states that the Samaritan saw this man in his brokenness, and “he went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him.” (Luke 10:34).

After Jesus shares this story, he asks “which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?” After the expert in the law responded with, “the one who had mercy on him was his neighbor.” Jesus replied, “Go and do likewise.”

This is who Jesus has been and continues to be to us. He saw us in our brokenness, cleaned our wounds and paid the ultimate price for our sins. But that was never the end of the story.

We were always meant to GO and DO the same.

Jesus entered into our own brokenness so that we can enter into the pain of others. Being a neighbor requires more of us. It requires us to get our hands dirty and dive into the messy work of mercy and justice through our resources, our compassion, and the wholeness of our efforts.

The Jesus + Justice Campaign mobilizes followers of Jesus to take action towards love, mercy, and justice. We do this by connecting Jesus-centered justice organizations with like-minded believers who wish to go and do the same.

Josh Clemons

OneRace Movement

Published by
OneRace Movement

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